The European Dual Studies University – EU4Dual presents its biannual triple bottom line report. It is aligned with its mission to promote balanced economic prosperity, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
With strong ties to business enterprises, EU4Dual aims to set a benchmark in sustainability reporting by orienting the report towards the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
Covering the reporting period of 2023, the inaugural year of the project, this report offers an initial alignment with these standards, acknowledging that full compliance will be pursued in future reports.
The report is divided into two main sections:
An overview of the EU4Dual project, including its conceptual framework, core values, and thematic focus areas.
Outlining the value chain, sustainability strategy, and results of the double materiality assessment.
Additionally, it addresses key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics, along with the financial statement.