• Spain

DHBW Example


Private 5G networks for Industrial Applications

Ikerlan, S. Coop.

Address: J.M. Arizmendiarrieta 2, 20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Spain

Company size: >250 employees


Contact person & email: Jaione IriondoJiriondo@mondragon.edu


Field of traineeship: Engineering, manufacturing and construction

Level of study: Bachelor

Language requirements: B2 English

Salary: Bachelor Part-Time (16-20h): 630,00€ / Bachelor Full-Time: 709,00€


Remote position:

About the company: IKERLAN is a technology center with a solid specialization in the development of embedded systems capable of operating in industrial environments under the compliance of regulations from different sectors (railway, automotive, aeronautical, etc.). For this purpose, IKERLAN has consolidated capabilities and methodologies for the design and development of high-performance hardware and software systems complying with non-functional technical requirements (EMC, electrical safety, environmental), sensor systems with energy autonomy, and reliable wireless and wired communication systems adapted to the requirements of industrial applications.

IKERLAN combines technology transfer activities (contract research), internal research and training of highly qualified personnel. It is currently the trusted technological partner of major companies in Spain and the Basque Country. It has a staff of over 400 people. Apart from contract research for industrial companies, IKERLAN also collaborates with first-class European research partners (both academic and private research actors) within the framework of Horizon 2020 and other competitive research programmes.

Job duties: The student will work in cooperation with the 5G team of IKERLAN, whose main goal is the deployment and validatioin of private 5G networks for industrial applications. With this framework, his/her responsibilities will be to carry out performance measurements with 5G equipment in both realistic industrial environments and laboratory environments, so that different Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as bit rate or latency can be obtained, and the limits of 5G technology for different applications and traffic types can be established.

Links with propagation simulations (ray-tracing) will also be carried out to predict the behavior of 5G technology under different operating conditions (line-of-sight, multipath, etc), linking and comparing their results with the measurements obtained in laboratory and in real environments.

This systematic and iterative approach aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of industrial communications through research and practical application of 5G technology.


Specific qualifications: Degree in Electrical, Embedded Systems or Telecommunications Engineering.
Programming experience in C/C++ and Python would be desirable, as well as experience with RF modules and equipment.


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