High Performance Computing Platforms
Address: J.M. Arizmendiarrieta 2, 20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Spain
Company size: >250 employees
Contact person & email: Jaione IriondoJiriondo@mondragon.edu
Field of traineeship: Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Level of study: Bachelor
Language requirements: B2 English
Salary: Bachelor Part-Time (16-20h): 630,00€ / Bachelor Full-Time: 709,00€
Remote position:
About the company: IKERLAN combines technology transfer activities (contract research), internal research and
training of highly qualified personnel. It is currently the trusted technological partner of major
companies in Spain and the Basque Country. It has a staff of over 400 people. Apart from
contract research for industrial companies, IKERLAN also collaborates with first-class
European research partners (both academic and private research actors) within the
framework of Horizon 2020 and other competitive research programmes.
Job duties: The main activities would be some of these:
Make a state of the art about low power/low consumption electronics
Learning about Embedded Linux, configurations and images like Yocto
Learning about Neuromorphic computing, digital hardware (FPGA) and high performance computing platforms (multicore)
Specific qualifications: Linux experience
C/C++ programing
VHDL programing
RTL design
Additional information:
High Performance Computing Platforms
Address: J.M. Arizmendiarrieta 2, 20500 Arrasate-Mondragon, Spain
Company size: >250 employees
Contact person & email: Jaione IriondoJiriondo@mondragon.edu
Field of traineeship: Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Level of study: Bachelor
Language requirements: B2 English
Salary: Bachelor Part-Time (16-20h): 630,00€ / Bachelor Full-Time: 709,00€
Remote position:
About the company: IKERLAN combines technology transfer activities (contract research), internal research and
training of highly qualified personnel. It is currently the trusted technological partner of major
companies in Spain and the Basque Country. It has a staff of over 400 people. Apart from
contract research for industrial companies, IKERLAN also collaborates with first-class
European research partners (both academic and private research actors) within the
framework of Horizon 2020 and other competitive research programmes.
Job duties: The main activities would be some of these:
Make a state of the art about low power/low consumption electronics
Learning about Embedded Linux, configurations and images like Yocto
Learning about Neuromorphic computing, digital hardware (FPGA) and high performance computing platforms (multicore)
Specific qualifications: Linux experience
C/C++ programing
VHDL programing
RTL design
Additional information: