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The “Women Without PARdon” conference is an event that focuses on supporting and empowering women, especially in the context of entrepreneurship and professional development. The conference gathers entrepreneurs, experts and all interested women who want to improve their skills and knowledge.
This initiative represents an important step towards strengthening the community of women in Croatia, encouraging mutual support and cooperation.
Empowering Women: The conference provides a platform for women to share experiences and knowledge.
Networking: Encourages networking among participants, which can lead to new business opportunities.
Mentoring programs: Includes sessions where more experienced female entrepreneurs share advice with younger female colleagues.
Inspiration and Networking: The conference provides a platform for women to share their experiences, connect and network with other women entrepreneurs.
Promotion of gender equality: The event also emphasizes the importance of gender equality in business, with a special focus on the challenges women face in entrepreneurship.
The challenges are reflected in the lack of support, obstacles in financing and gender stereotypes. Many women face a lack of institutional and social support when starting and running their own businesses. Women often have difficulties in accessing financial resources, which makes it difficult to realize their business ideas. Traditional gender stereotypes can hinder women from achieving their professional ambitions.
Women can be empowered through education and networking, access to financial resources and the promotion of positive role models.
Conferences like “Women without Pardon” provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, which helps women to connect and support each other. Encouraging the development of programs that offer financial assistance or counselling to women entrepreneurs can facilitate access to the necessary funds. Likewise, highlighting successful women in the business world can inspire other women to take initiative and develop their careers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.