Home » Partner up » Best practices » Management of rain water – UR’ZAIN
The Estia Berri building has been equipped with a rainwater recovery system since its construction in September 2020. The system supplies the toilets and the waterjet cutting machine in the technology hall.
There is also a project called UR’ZAIN, which aims to study the best way to recover, manage and use rainwater from another existing tertiary building at Estia (Estia 2). In this case, there is also an educational and research focus.
Estia has 4 buildings (Estia 1, Estia 2, Estia Berri and Incubator) in Bidart; we estimate that more than 70% of the annual water consumption of these buildings is used for toilet flushing. As a research and transfer institute, ESTIA is identifying other ways of using rainwater as innovative solutions: demonstrating the possibility of recovering energy from high-level water storage, making harvested rainwater drinkable, etc.
General objective
To study the best way to collect, manage and use rainwater from existing tertiary buildings.
Objective linked to the management of buildings: to save water.
Objective linked to research activities: to study the potential of rainwater for energy self-consumption in a building.
Educational objective: to make students aware of the issues related to water, its cycle and the impact of practices.
Collect and purify rainwater from photovoltaic canopy car park to produce and store hydrogen through electrolysis
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.