Home » Partner up » Best practices » Green Labs 4 VET
Some of the tasks currently being implemented as part of this project include:
(a) a desk research and a needs analysis related to the project subject;
(b) guide our institutions on drafting an internal Greening and Sustainability policy to be applied institution-wide;
(c) set up Green Labs in VET in each partner institution to impart Green skills and competences though a practical approach; and
(d) set up an Online Creative Green Hub where learners, teachers and communities can collaborate, share activities and work together.
Impart green skills and competences to VET learners through a hands-on, applied methodology in green Labs;
Raise educational institution awareness and commitment to the Green Deal;
Create a digital space (called Online Creative Green Hub) where learners, teachers and communities can share activities and work together on Greening and Sustainability initiatives; and
Outreach to local, regional and national communities.
Desk research on practical greening and sustainability training spaces.
The implementation of practical greening and sustainability training spaces (called Green Labs).
An online Green Creative Hub that will offer training related to Green Entrepreneurship.
Challenge 1: Project visibility and social dissemination
Action: set up a small team to post project updates on social media and project website
Challenge 2: Lack of manpower – more contributors need to be engaged on the project work
Action: Hiring process started
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.