Oñati, Spain – September 16, 2024
From the 10th to the 12th of Septiembre, 3 representatives from the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) travelled to the Basque Country to get to know Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s courses, facilities and staff of each campus. The purpose of visit was to promote collaboration between the two universities, strengthen their relationship and launch join research projects. These projects will be based on the three main challenges os the Eruopean University: Green Economy and Healthy Living.
The visit began at the Galarreta campus, where they visited the Energy Storage and AI and Cibersecurity laboratories. They then went to the Basque Culinary Centre and finally to Oñati, to the faculty of Economics. There, they were introduced to the research and transfer that is conducted at MIK (Mondragon Innovation & Knowledge) , and they were able to get explanations from the person in charge of each of the following topics: New Business Models, Circular Economy, Business Data Analytics, Finance Talent Management, Agri-food sector and Internationalisation. Dr Katja Bay also informed them about the research being carried out at the DHBW.
For the next two days, they were in Arrasate, in the Iturripe and Garaia buildings, where they got to know the following areas, among others: H2 Activity, Circularity and Sustainability Modelling, Human-Machine Interaction, Electric Mobility and Robotics and Automation.
According to the participants, the visit was a success and the Rector’s Council, which will take place in Stuttgart in November, will be the next meeting point between the two institutions, together with representatives of the universities, in order to further develop the European Dual Studies University.