Koszalin, Poland – June 18, 2024
Event Overview
The first ever Grand Challenge Forum was successfully held on 18 June 2024 in Koszalin, Poland. The aim of the forum was to increase communication and interaction between the EU4DUAL work packages and our three Grand Challenges.
Aims of the Discussion Forum
In addition, the aim was to establish a mode of communication between the Grand Challenges and the Work Packages and to set goals and tasks for the coming months. All Work Package Leaders and Co-Leaders and Grand Challenge Leaders and Co-Leaders were invited to the Discussion Forum.
Overall, the Discussion Forum highlighted the need for a broad discussion about what each Work Package is doing and planning, and how these activities relate to the Grand Challenges. We need to build a grand challenge narrative that is broader than current teaching and learning and research activities.
Initial vision and narrative
The initial design of the Grand Challenge Groups emphasised a broad representation of expertise, including different stakeholders to ensure diverse perspectives. This approach was intended to enrich discussions and decision-making processes. There is a need to involve students, working life representatives and other groups in the processes.
Future plans for the Grand Challenges
To promote better communication and collaboration, it is proposed to hold discussion forums at least once a year. These forums will be face-to-face meetings involving WP Leaders, GC Leaders and Project Managers (PMs).
Grand Challenge specific information will be available on the EU4DUAL website, in particular in the Grand Challenge Experience Centre.
The Forum brought together all Work Package Leaders and Co-leaders as well as Grand Challenge Leaders and Co-leaders, fostering a collaborative environment for productive discussions.
Next steps
Specific details and decisions on these discussions will be finalised and communicated soon. We are committed to developing a coherent and forward-looking strategy for our Grand Challenges and Work Packages.